
you gotta love *bloggerUNITED!

Haha, yes *blogger UNITED! I'm loving you guys. I was just registered on the site a few hours ago and what i love about this site is that we can meet a whole lot of new people in the blogosphere.

I just can't believe that  I'm one of the most popular "today" at the site even though I'm still a new member on the site. I'm even on the recommended read list. Gosh, love you guys a lot. It's really awesome to be one of them. Add me!

I've captured some screenshot of those too. Azhar, you're number one! haha. *see the view more post on the bottom of this page for the screenshots*

Fenson just twittered me to join the SEAchange movement. I've joined them. Why not joining us? here.

So, bloggers, lets join the movement and change South East Asia for good. And don't forget, also join us in *bloggerUNITED for more blogger friends ;)

Owyeah, did i meantioned Lady Gaga just followed me back on twitter? haha. It's wasn't a big deal actually, but I just love Lady Gaga. Thanks Lady Gaga.

Hell, that's all for now guys. Blog you later.

bye nuffnang, hello advertlets.

haha. i'm sorry nuffnang, but i've heard some bad stuffs about you guys, so i'm officially off to advertlets. The ads are officially flashed in this blog! haha.

thanks a lot Azhar for telling me about nuffnang. Wanna know more about this so-called nuffnang issue, head on to to Azhar's post here.

i have also registered bloggerunited.com. Come and visit me there and join us.

Also, updated MyBlogLog's profile. Deleted old blog and added the new and latest blogs. Those who are following me in my old twitter profile, please follow me back on my new twitter page. I can't login to the old one and i have no idea why. I want you guys to follow me in my new twitter page because i'm going to remove the old one.

That's all then. blog you later.

VANS-lair dot net redesigned

I have finally redesigned my wordpress blog after a long hiatus.
What do you guys think? I've posted this update also in vans-lair.net.

So, yea, I have finally chosen a theme for this site. Since I’m not in the mood to fully redesign my site, I used a template from WPVulpe. This Green theme looks great on vans-lair.net. Anyway, I’ll be working on my site logo now. Gosh, I’m not actually good at designing logo though, but I’ll try though.

I'm on nuffnang

yea, you can see that in here. I serve for nuffnag. haha.

nuffnang's pretty promising, so gotta try 'em. anyway, i love the ads. its pretty much neat than the other ads. and what i like about them is that they have this blogger's exclusive club called glitterati or something like that. haha. pretty neat huh?

FYI, I'm a glitterati too. Well, of course since i serve this ads from last year. except that i'm not quite an active blogger last year.

I've been serving for nuffnang for my plugger's lair. Ever heard of it? well, its my plugsite. Where webloggers can plug their site for advertising purpose. My plugger's lair is now under maintenance. So, once it's up, I'll just feature it here. 

So, I guess that's it. Imma go and fetch some stuffs in reality. blog u soon.

haha. i know.

lorem ipsum again? haha

Sed sed ipsum ac urna faucibus tristique a vitae metus. Pellentesque tincidunt mattis elit ac pulvinar. Nunc aliquet vestibulum pellentesque. In condimentum eros eget lacus ultrices luctus. Vivamus lacus ligula, egestas et volutpat eu, pellentesque vel libero. Cras consectetur nunc id metus pretium pharetra. Aliquam leo augue, pretium quis tincidunt vitae, posuere ut ligula. Morbi quis augue ac purus adipiscing accumsan. Nunc vel nisl non magna interdum gravida. Curabitur posuere urna sed turpis scelerisque pulvinar. Aliquam bibendum ipsum id velit hendrerit rutrum. Vivamus et augue a turpis imperdiet sodales. Duis ut tellus convallis tellus rutrum dictum. Phasellus et neque a erat laoreet ullamcorper.

Quisque eget arcu et nisl viverra pulvinar. Mauris tristique aliquam elit eget pellentesque. Ut lobortis eros urna. Praesent fermentum facilisis odio, eu hendrerit tortor feugiat sit amet. Ut a magna erat, eu laoreet ligula. Quisque bibendum odio viverra lorem adipiscing blandit mollis sem lobortis. Morbi sit amet libero orci, nec mollis mauris. Donec a justo ultricies dui pellentesque rutrum vitae in turpis. Maecenas ut ligula vitae dui rutrum auctor. Suspendisse ut arcu vel lorem rutrum fermentum. Integer eu leo risus, non porta lacus. Suspendisse et lorem turpis. Nullam ut ante ante, a egestas ipsum. Fusce mi urna, hendrerit sit amet vehicula a, ornare ac felis.

hell im here.

haha, yea. I know i have like a lot of blog, but this time. this is it. i guess. well. here's some lorem ipsum fr you guys :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis neque quis magna tincidunt fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam cursus dui porttitor tortor gravida ultricies. Donec lacinia mauris vitae nunc hendrerit sed tristique nisi tempus. Vestibulum ultricies molestie elit ut suscipit. Praesent sit amet ornare felis.

Maecenas interdum dapibus erat quis mollis. Duis elementum dignissim eros et lacinia. Integer dolor eros, vestibulum vel viverra et, gravida vitae metus. Vivamus metus lectus, bibendum at posuere id, dapibus ut tortor. Quisque a leo nunc, ut rhoncus nibh. Aenean sollicitudin nibh nec tortor posuere non gravida nisl sodales. Etiam egestas dapibus auctor. Ut vestibulum dolor vitae nisi aliquam adipiscing. Nunc aliquet nibh id ligula iaculis quis gravida eros consequat. Etiam egestas, dui a feugiat eleifend, justo justo interdum mauris, eget scelerisque dui sapien at ligula. Fusce sit amet aliquam justo. In bibendum nulla congue orci congue bibendum. Sed lorem massa, blandit eu porttitor a, lacinia vitae ante. Nullam nisl purus, semper vehicula volutpat id, congue in diam. Morbi faucibus pharetra augue, vitae sollicitudin nunc venenatis et. Fusce et enim risus, in dictum nunc. Nulla rhoncus turpis nec lorem accumsan in molestie justo ultricies. Pellentesque ut sapien sapien. Ut semper urna sit amet odio commodo vitae accumsan turpis mattis.

Nulla sed magna mi, quis molestie risus. Sed laoreet placerat ligula, in cursus odio pulvinar vitae. Fusce luctus dapibus libero ut lobortis. Nulla quis condimentum leo. Quisque malesuada tristique nunc, sit amet adipiscing elit ultrices sollicitudin. Nulla vel lectus nisl, ac fringilla nulla. Aliquam suscipit elit vel ligula rhoncus euismod quis non nibh. Vivamus facilisis tellus a mauris tristique dictum. Etiam quis sem tortor.

Sed sed ipsum ac urna faucibus tristique a vitae metus. Pellentesque tincidunt mattis elit ac pulvinar. Nunc aliquet vestibulum pellentesque. In condimentum eros eget lacus ultrices luctus. Vivamus lacus ligula, egestas et volutpat eu, pellentesque vel libero.