yea, you can see that in here. I serve for nuffnag. haha.
nuffnang's pretty promising, so gotta try 'em. anyway, i love the ads. its pretty much neat than the other ads. and what i like about them is that they have this blogger's exclusive club called glitterati or something like that. haha. pretty neat huh?
FYI, I'm a glitterati too. Well, of course since i serve this ads from last year. except that i'm not quite an active blogger last year.
I've been serving for nuffnang for my plugger's lair. Ever heard of it? well, its my plugsite. Where webloggers can plug their site for advertising purpose. My plugger's lair is now under maintenance. So, once it's up, I'll just feature it here.
So, I guess that's it. Imma go and fetch some stuffs in reality. blog u soon.

October 31, 2009 at 4:19 AM
hmm.. i dont see any nuffnang ads here? =)
October 31, 2009 at 4:25 AM
owh, I'm sorry, I've switched to advertlets. I've removed my blog from nufflang already anyway.
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