
you gotta love *bloggerUNITED!

Haha, yes *blogger UNITED! I'm loving you guys. I was just registered on the site a few hours ago and what i love about this site is that we can meet a whole lot of new people in the blogosphere.

I just can't believe that  I'm one of the most popular "today" at the site even though I'm still a new member on the site. I'm even on the recommended read list. Gosh, love you guys a lot. It's really awesome to be one of them. Add me!

I've captured some screenshot of those too. Azhar, you're number one! haha. *see the view more post on the bottom of this page for the screenshots*

Fenson just twittered me to join the SEAchange movement. I've joined them. Why not joining us? here.

So, bloggers, lets join the movement and change South East Asia for good. And don't forget, also join us in *bloggerUNITED for more blogger friends ;)

Owyeah, did i meantioned Lady Gaga just followed me back on twitter? haha. It's wasn't a big deal actually, but I just love Lady Gaga. Thanks Lady Gaga.

Hell, that's all for now guys. Blog you later.



November 2, 2009 at 8:21 AM

hey.. welcome to BU ^^. i have been with BU for several months now and i have to admit.. i really depend on BU to get good blogs to read. hope u're enjoying BU as i do