I know, its quite addicting i tell you. I've been like booty grabbing on every gaian's aquarium in the gaia forum. Haha, insane isn't it? I've been grabbing for almost 800k of gold *gaia gold to be exact*
gaia, gaia, gaia, hell yea, i'm officially a gaian now! you guys gotta check me out here!
*sigh* btw, im going back to college this friday. urgh, i just hate that. We have this MUET exam this Saturday! yeah, Saturday. I can't believe that there would be an exam on Saturday! That's really fucking unfair. Saturday is like.. our not-having-an-exam day!
Anyway, the reason i hate my stupid college so much is that... uhm, welll.. they have really ugly facilities! haha. yea! that's why.
Have you ever seen the cafeteria? Man, i don't think it looks like a cafeteria, more like a "tong sampah" if you ask me.
Did i mentioned what college am I saying? haha. sorry.
Its Labuan Matriculation College!
Seriously, this place's a total crap.
There were like this students saying, "Why do you guys hate LMC so much? Its not like we're in hell since you guys kept calling this beautiful college KMHell. (KML as in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan)".
haha! you gotta be kidding me man! So, you're asking us to call this shit a heaven? ahaa. Do you actually enjoy those frigging food served by that...
err i don't wanna call it a cafe since it doesn't look like one.. err TONG SAMPAH?!
Maybe they probably prefer something with flies on their food. or even the cafeteria lady's hair on it? haha.
The first day on that college, me and 2 of my other friend found one fresh looking fly on the food! wtf right?
BTW enought bot the food cuz i gotta blog this one! haha.
i really think... no, I knew the cafeteria boys are super gays! hell yea. I'm telling you. they are. Actually the workers came from the Philippines. Yeah, all of em'. I guess :) haha
No offense, but I'm not saying that most of Phil guys are gay but this workers are so obviously gay.
Since the cafe is only for the boys area only, the guys seems to be so aggressive when tackling a dude! Believe it or not, I'm one of the victim.
I'm not quite sure where they got my number, but this one time, one of the worker text me and asking if i have a girlfriend or not. haha. stupid! then because of my kind heart :P, I replied him. Well, actually because i though "HE" was a girl! haha. Stupid me! fuck
Then, i was starting to realize that his english was a total disaster and even malay!
Then, i asked my friend to call the number using a public phone and guess who answered the phone?
ahha! a dude! wtf!
Of course its the cafe guy! who else? they got like thousands of connections to get someone's phone number!. hell, we just caught a motherfucking gaylord! haha. NO doubt!
The worst thing is that, after i ignored his smses and i even change my phone number, he exaggerate about the sms thing to some guy i know. He says that I wanted him! aha. that motherfucking bitch! who wants an ugly piece of crap like you?
To be honest, i was pretty creeped out with his messages. Its too pornish! fuck him!
He's just barking on a wrong damn BARK!
Haha, i never went to that cafeteria anymore. I prefer the lecturer's cafe.
haha, i guess i'll stop here. Wish me luck on my stupid MUET exam :) blog you later.

November 6, 2009 at 5:32 AM
First time in this blog. Which one of your blogs should I follow? It's not healthy too have too many unless you're me LOL.
You do get that's a joke right? Do you? Do you?
November 9, 2009 at 10:50 PM
haha. sial ko fenson.
so, was it a joke?
follow this blog. the other is just another entertainment blogs or somewhat shit like that. I'll just keep on updating things up here.
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